Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I still have not started work. I probably won't be able to start until after two weeks. I should probably contact the office today to follow-up on my work visa petition. I hope they don't think I am annoying. They did tell me they would let me know once it's filed; but that was Wednesday last week. Hmmm. It is so hard being on the other side of the fence. I know how annoying clients can get, those who feel the urge to follow-up everyday.  Now, I am sort of a client. I feel the urge to follow-up, but I am mightily trying to fight that urge.

Last weekend, I went to the easternmost tip of New York in Long Island. It was a wonderful day. It didn't rain. I enjoyed the beach, walking around a small town, and going up 100+ steps of the Montauk lighthouse. This coming weekend, I would be going to Maine for three days. So looking forward to another road trip!

While waiting to start work, I have recently signed up for two classes: kickboxing and Spanish. I have started the kickboxing class, but the Spanish lessons, I'd have to take a test to determine which class level I should be in. I have yet to register for the exam. Anyway, the kickboxing class was brutal. Well, perhaps not really, but for me it was. I am unfit and a big blob of laziness. (Although my BMI says I am not obese, I have probably gained 15+ pounds since I've lived in the U.S. I have already gained one dress size, I am afraid to go another size up! ) By the end of my first kickboxing class, I was saying "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck" in my head, while we were doing jumping jacks, cycling, push ups, squats, etc. We were supposed to be counting the reps, but in my head I was saying "f*ck." I am actually doubtful now if I was just thinking it or saying it out loud. Twice, the girl on my left looked at me weird. Geez, may be I did say it out loud! It also did not help that I was paired up with the female Muhammad Ali. My partner was the ONLY girl who showed up in class with her hands already in boxing wrap! Gawd. At least she didn't pummel me with jabs and roundhouse kicks. She was probably feeling sorry for getting a weakling as a partner. (I may not have the strength and endurance right now, but I think my kickboxing form is much better than my classmates'. I took kickboxing lessons many years ago. At first, I had one-on-one lessons, until I finally had two other classmates; so the entire time I was taking kickboxing, we were only three in class. This meant that I received massive amounts of attention on my technique and form. The class I have now is more for fitness than sparring. We just did straight punches, jabs, and roundhouse kicks; but I think I still remember how to do hooks, elbow punches, back punch, knee kicks, straight and side kicks.) I am looking forward to more kickboxing classes! Well, I am looking forward to actually starting work, but in the meantime, I have to keep busy while waiting.


  1. I should take Spanish lessons too. I don't know if I'd do kickboxing because I'm trying to save the very few brain cells I have left.

  2. Good point on reminding me about brain cells. I should really warn my sparring partner not to get carried away, lest I turn into a total bozo from a head kick. Yikes!

    As for Spanish lessons, I only signed up for it because of a group buying deal. Otherwise, I won't even think of enrolling for anything at this point. (Actually, the kickboxing class was courtesy of Groupon too or some other deal.)

    Aight, the library beckons. It has been my go to place for leisure and entertainment. (Free DVDs and books! Yipee!) Sending you good vibes on the job front JDA!
